Access to Student Record Systems

The University Code of Responsibility

The security and confidentiality of student records are matters of concern to all LMU employees. Those employees with access to the Student Information System are in a unique position of trust in maintaining the security and confidentiality of student records. Violation of any part of the university Code of Responsibility will result in the loss of access to the Student Information System and may lead to reprimand, suspension, or dismissal, consistent with the Loyola Marymount University personnel and employment policies. Each system user is expected to adhere to the following code:

  • Unauthorized use of or access to student records is prohibited.
  • Systems users may not access, update, or alter in any way their own records or records of family members.
  • Each system user has unique access (login ID and password) to the Student Information System. No system user may divulge or allow anyone else to use his or her access. If a system user suspects someone of knowing or using his or her access, he or she must immediately notify his or her supervisor and the Office of the Registrar. System users are prohibited from exhibiting or divulging contents of any record or report to any person except in the execution of normal duties and responsibilities.
  • System users agree not to leave a terminal unattended without properly and completely exiting from the system.
  • System users must be familiar with and adhere to the FERPA Policy Guidelines. System users may not knowingly include or cause to be included in any record or report a false, inaccurate, or misleading entry. Users may not delete or cause to be deleted a data entry from any record or report. No official record or report or copy thereof may be removed from the office where it is maintained except in the performance of duties.
  • System users are prohibited from personally benefiting or allowing others to benefit by knowledge of any confidential information gained by virtue of their work assignments.
  • No one is to aid, abet, or act in a conspiracy with another to violate any part of this code.