On Monday, March 4th, between 7-8 a.m., an updated version of PROWL will be deployed. You will continue to log into PROWL using your LMU credentials. While the upgraded version of PROWL features the same or similar functionality as the previous version, you will notice changes to the various pages, including the landing page. PROWL’s interface has been modernized to offer easier navigation and a more intuitive user experience.
While we do not anticipate any disruption to Banner services during the upgrade, users may experience a brief interruption in system navigation as we implement the new Banner menus.
PROWL Landing Page
PROWL's interface has been modernized to offer easier navigation and a more intuitive user experience.
Depending on your role, you will see various tabs available along the top (e.g. Student, Faculty, Financial Aid, etc.).
- Vendor support for the current version of PROWL is ending this year
- Additional and improved functionality and features
- Improved accessibility
- Updated look and feel, including a new landing page.
- This new release delivers a number of important enhancements, including a modern user interface, enhanced navigation, and new functionality for students, faculty, and advisors.
- The Student Profile consolidates much of the information about a student into a single page. Accessible to both students and advisors, it allows for personalized advice to help make better decisions about a student’s academic program.
- Responsive design allows for viewing on a variety of devices.
- Most of the feedback that other institutions have provided indicates that getting used to the new interface and navigation takes minimal effort.
- Faculty
- Class Lists (PDF)
- Faculty Overview Guide (PDF)
- Final Grade Entry (PDF)
- Midterm Grade Entry (PDF)
Student Profile Overview - Faculty (Video)
- Students
- Student Overview Guide (PDF)
- Student Profile Overview - Students (Video)
- Faculty