Ch 33 Yellow Ribbon Program

What is the Yellow Ribbon Program and who qualifies for it?

Students with Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®) benefits with 100% benefits coverage are eligible to participate in the YR Program. However, not all students in Chapter 33 receive 100% benefits coverage.

The Yellow Ribbon Program is an agreement between the VA and LMU which provides extended payment benefits when the Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) payment (determined by the VA) doesn’t fully cover the cost of LMU's annual tuition. At LMU, this amount typically pays the first semester's tuition. Because private education is generally more expensive than public, the YR agreement commits both the VA and LMU to split the cost of the second semester's tuition. Under normal circumstances this agreement covers the balance of the year's tuition at no additional expense to the student.

The Yellow Ribbon Program isn’t offered under the Montgomery GI Bill. You should take this into account if you’re eligible for both benefits and are still deciding which program to utilize.

Dependent Eligibility

Children of veterans who are eligible for Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits may also receive Yellow Ribbon funding. To transfer benefits to a child, the veteran parent must qualify for 100 percent of their GI Bill benefits.

Benefit Amount

Under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, you must be eligible for the maximum benefit amount from serving on active duty for at least 36 months. The dollar amount of veteran benefits is prorated based on your service period and the national average cost of tuition. For example, the national average cost in 2022 was $26,381.37. While you can earn the full reimbursement for 36 months of active duty, serving the minimum period of 90 days earns you 40 percent of the benefit, or $10,552.55.

Yellow Ribbon Benefit at LMU

LMU offers a cumulative total of 85 undergraduate student placements, 10 placements for GR MBA students, and 10 placements for graduates not in the MBA program. Spots on the lists become available as students graduate or leave LMU.

Federal law states that Yellow Ribbon awards must be made on a first-come, first-serve basis after a student has been accepted into LMU.

Yellow Ribbon may only be applied after the Post-9/11 (Chapter 33) tuition cap has been met.

The sum total of the Post-9/11 (Chapter 33) benefit and Yellow Ribbon scholarship may not exceed the cost of tuition and fees.

Students with 100% benefits coverage in Chapter 33 are enrolled in the YR program with no other application. A student who is eligible for YR, but wishes not to participate, must make this request in writing to the SCO each semester in which Ch 33 benefits, but not YR, are used.

Once accepted in the YR program, LMU guarantees continued participation in Yellow Ribbon with the following conditions:

  • You must be accepted into the LMU YR program.
  • You have VA eligibility in each fall and spring semester.
  • Submit the Semester Benefits Enrollment form immediately after registration in a term in which you wish to use benefits.
  • LMU certifies you for participation in the YR program each semester.
  • You maintain continuous enrollment during your academic career (fall and spring semesters only) at LMU.
  • If you take a Leave of Absence or otherwise not enroll for a semester, the resumption of YR benefits is not guaranteed. Every effort will be made to place you again in the YR program.

 Financial Aid and Yellow Ribbon